Welcome to
previous eXcursions

Site Contents:

archive #-L

archive M-Z

previous eXcursions

Welcome to the home of Previous Excursions! This site was originally created on Geocities by earthworm and when Geocities closed their free site hosting in October 2009, I was unable to contact earthworm about saving the site. Therefore, I took the liberty of moving it to a new home. I hope to add more stories in the future, so if you know of any which belong here and aren't, please use the Submissions link to let me know.
A lot of these stories are really old so be aware the email addresses listed on them may not work. If any author finds a fic here that they don't want to have included on the site, email me and I'll remove it. If you find anything wrong with the site on your travels, please email and let me know

This site is dedicated to pre-X-Files fanfiction.
The owner of this site does not claim ownership of The X-Files or any of the fan-created material on this site and is not making any money from this site or the stories archived. All stories archived are presumed to be created by the author for entertainment purposes only, and any views or opinions expessed in these stories are not a reflection of the archivist's opinions.