Title - Kid Stuff Author - Donna Email address - donnah@pop.uky.edu URL - www.geocities.com/Area51/Quadrant/4571/ Rating - G Category - Relationship Spoilers - None Keywords - Pre-X Files Summary - How would they have reacted to each other then? Feedback - Please, I think!! Disclaimer - Mulder, Scully, the Lone Gunman and Skinner all belong to Chris Carter,10-13 and Fox. No infringement intended. Kid Stuff She was so glad to get out of that house. She felt surrounded and smothered there. It wasn't at all like home, so many kids. But that's why she was here. Aunt Cindy wasn't well, so she was here to help out with the kids. It was just for the summer, she could handle it. Mom was right, she probably would do a better job than Melissa, she was more practical, and Melissa did have that paying job to help with school costs. It just wasn't the way she'd planned to spend her summer. Three kids under five years old, all day, every day. No wonder Aunt Cindy wasn't well. At least they fell asleep early, if she could wear them out every day, then she could bathe them and get them to bed by eight and have a little time to herself. She sat on the swing, barely moving it with her foot. Okay, she was feeling sorry for herself, but she was homesick and Aunt Cindy wasn't anything like Mom. Too bad she'd always taken Mom for granted, she was actually fairly cool for a mom. Mom had lived through three kids under five, and four kids under seven if you got technical. Oh please don't let Aunt Cindy get pregnant again! Well, it wouldn't be her problem. Just for the summer, then home and back to school. "Whoa, a redhead." She looked up startled. She hadn't been aware of how dark it was getting; she shouldn't be here alone. There were four of them that she could see. What the hell had she been thinking, hanging around the park this late? Don't panic, Dana. Think! A quick look behind her showed that the boys were all in front of her, she didn't dare let them surround her. She rose from the swing, poised to run. They were closer; her heart was going to jump out of her chest. One of them was trying to get around her, she turned slightly. The leader came even closer, reaching out to touch her hair where it was escaping the rubber band. She would not cry. "Leave me alone." She drew herself up to her full 5 feet. Fighting with Bill and Charlie should have taught her something. She'd defend herself as best she could. "Wild cat, huh?" His grip tightened in her hair. "Leave her alone." The voice came from slightly behind her. Everyone froze. She was able to turn her head slightly. Only one boy, against four, but these guys seemed afraid. Who was this guy? "Hey, Fox. We weren't going to hurt her. She don't look like no alien to us." A couple of the boys chuckled. The tall boy stood there, no smile crossing his face. "Let go of her." Her hair came free and she stepped back away from the boy that had been holding her. "Come on, guys, let the alien bounty hunter have her." The four of them slunk off, the leader having saved face with his last comment. Dana turned and ran toward her aunt's house. "Wait!" She heard him and stumbled, grabbing at the slide to keep on her feet. She pressed her back against the ladder and watched him approach. He slowed to a walk and approached her cautiously, stopping well back from her, his hands out from his side to show her he was no threat. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She shook her head, not trusting her voice. "Are you sure?" "I'm fine." It wasn't true; she could hear her voice shake. Her hands were shaking too. "This isn't a good place to be after dark." "I didn't realize how dark it was. I was thinking. . . " That was stupid. He didn't care and she knew she sounded defensive. "You're new in town." It wasn't a question. "I'm visiting with my aunt and uncle for the summer. The Richardson's, over on Poplar." "Why don't I walk you home, just in case they come back?" She hesitated; she didn't know him, not even his name. It was as though he could read her mind. He stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets and took yet another step back. "I'm Fox, Fox Mulder." "Dana Scully." "I better get you home. It's getting dark fast." She nodded and let go of the slide. He stepped beside her, leaving plenty of space between them. She was nervous, she didn't date yet and while she was used to talking with her brothers, she hadn't spent much time alone with older guys. Especially guys as good looking as this one. "Have you lived here long?" "My whole life." "That would be great. I mean living in one place. My Dad's in the Navy so we move all the time." "It's not really that great. Everyone knows you and your business." "Oh, I hadn't thought of that." She was quiet then, he had sounded so sad she didn't know what to say. "Are. . . are you in school here?" "I graduated in May. I'll be leaving for university at the end of summer." "Wow, where are you going?" "Oxford." "Oxford? Like England?" God, she sounded so young, she was embarrassing herself. Why couldn't she be cool like Melissa? A slight grin appeared on his face. "Yeah, the one in England. I guess I'm looking forward to it. Leaving here, a whole new start." He clammed up immediately, like he'd revealed too much. Silence took over again, but not an awkward silence. It was as though he was used to the quiet and seemed to enjoy just walking beside her. She wished again for more experience. Was she making a fool of herself? Too quickly she could see the house. Three houses away he stopped. "Look, you're okay. I wouldn't mention this to your aunt. It would only upset her." "That's probably a good idea. Would you like to come in, meet Aunt Cindy and. . ." "No, that's okay. I wouldn't mention that I walked you home either. Well, have a good summer, Dana." There was a strange note to his voice. She should keep this encounter a secret? Well, if she wasn't going to see him again. . . She tried to keep her disappointment from her face and voice. "You too. And thanks again for everything." "I don't think those guys would really have bothered you, but I'm glad I was there." "Me too." She didn't realize how softly she'd said it. He looked startled for a second, then motioned for her to go on. "I'll wait here until you get inside." "Okay. Maybe I'll see you around?" He nodded and she turned and headed for the door, mentally kicking herself. If he had wanted to see her around, he would have said something. She turned just before opening the door and waved. He returned the wave and headed back down the sidewalk the way they had come. "Dana! I was getting worried." "I'm sorry Aunt Cindy. I didn't realize how dark it was getting. But I was fine, I'll keep a closer eye in the future." "Well, I'm just glad you're okay." "She's fine, Cindy, you heard her. After she meets some people her own age, she won't have to worry about being out alone." Cindy shot her husband an angry look; Dana wasn't old enough to date in her mind, only fifteen. She didn't need to be hanging out with people her own age. Dana decided to retreat to her room. Fox had been right, it was a good thing she'd kept her mouth closed. ***** The pool could have been fun. There were a lot of kids her age here, but she had to keep an eye on the little kids. This was going to be a long summer. "Dana, that man's looking at you." Jennifer pulled at Dana's arm. "What? Where?" She turned and spotted Fox standing at the side of the pool, and smiled. He's obviously been swimming laps. She glanced down at the tiny racing suit he was wearing and wondered at the knot that suddenly appeared in her stomach. She refused to let the smile waver and he was coming over! It was like he was drawn to her and now he had a small smile on his face. "Hi." She realized she was feeling shy, not at all her normal self. What was it about him? Jennifer was now hiding behind her but Tim was pulling on her leg. "Who? Who?" "Fox, I'd like you to meet my cousins. This is Jennifer, she's five and these are the twins, Tim and Kim, they're almost three." "Pleased to meet you." He solemnly held out his hand to shake Jennifer's, then Tim's and finally Kim's hands. Jennifer blushed and giggled, but the twins were fascinated that this man had spoken to them. He sat down on his towel with them and let the twins climb on him for awhile until they got bored and decided to go back into the kiddie pool. "Thanks. I think I'm getting boring." "No problem. That's a lot of kids to be watching. You like kids a lot?" "Not as much as I used to." She admitted ruefully and he smiled again. He had a beautiful smile, but most of the time she'd seen him he looked kind of sad. "You're getting some sun." He pointed to her nose. "Damn. If you ever see a redhead with a tan, just know the hair came from a bottle." She reached for the sunscreen again. It was better when she watched the kids as they talked, some of the red in her face was from that bathing suit and she knew it, she just hoped he didn't. "Uh, Dana? I think Kim needs you." She looked over to see Kim holding herself, almost jumping up and down. "Oh great." She muttered, "Kim, do you need to go potty?" Kim nodded enthusiastically. Dana looked at the other kids, she'd need to round them up and take them along. "I'll be here. I can keep an eye on the other two, if you want." "Oh that would be great. I haven't figured out all the logistics of this job yet." "You better hurry." She nodded and took Kim's hand, hurrying her toward the bathhouse. They made it in time and she redressed the little girl. Coming out of the bathhouse she was struck by the fact that so many people were watching Fox and the kids. Had anything happened? All the mothers had their eye on him. She hurried over; "Did they give you any trouble?" "No, they were fine." He had to have noticed the looks he was getting. What was going on? She wasn't comfortable asking, so she decided to shrug it off. The kids were fine and Kim hadn't wet her pants, break it down to the essentials Dana. He was standing, gathering his towel. "Guess I better be going." She felt a stab of disappointment, which she quickly dismissed. He was older; he wouldn't be interested in her. He was just being friendly. "It was good seeing you again. Maybe we'll run into each other here again." "Yeah, I swim Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays here." He seemed reluctant to leave, maybe. . . forget it Dana, you're not Melissa. "Sounds like a good schedule. We're going to the library tomorrow morning. They have the storyteller every Wednesday morning." He smiled with just that hint of sadness. "Well, have fun. Bye guys, hope I see you here again." Jenny dipped her head, but Tim waved and at the last minute Kim ran over and hugged his legs. He looked stunned, but managed to put his hand on her head. "Thanks, Sweetie. See you later." He turned then and was gone. Why had the baby's hug undone him so? What was the story here? There had to be one. ***** She had everyone settled at the library. Even Tim was paying attention, at least for the moment. He did like being read to, but he liked running around even more if it took too long. Dana took a seat at the little yellow table behind the crowd and to the side. They could see her if they needed her and she could let her thoughts drift a little. "Hi." She looked up and up to see Fox standing beside her. She felt an instantaneous surge of pure pleasure. He had come to see her. The pool was just a coincidence, they'd run into each other by accident. But he had known she was coming here and when. He had come to see her. "Hi. I'd offer you a seat, but I don't think you could fit into it." He smiled, "I think you're right. Do you have to stay right here?" "No, just in the library." "Think we could sit in some adult chairs, while we're waiting for them?" "Yeah, I think that's possible." She got Jenny's attention and motioned that she would be at another table. Jenny nodded, smiled shyly at Fox and turned back to the story. "A big fan of Beatrice Potter?" "Me? I can take her or leave her." She grinned "What do you like to read?" "Mostly biographies, but lately I found some thrillers that were kind of good." "Whose?" "Robin Cook, I like his medical thrillers and his research. Haven't read many others." "Any science fiction?" "Never tried any, you like it?" "Yeah, I bet you could get into the Foundation Trilogy by Asimov. It's a classic." She smiled again, she couldn't help it when she was with him and he was excited about this. She would be reading Asimov before the day was over. He was easy to talk to, and he really seemed interested in talking to her and listening to her as well. She decided not to care that he was older and could be with friends his own age, just to enjoy his company which was wonderful. She couldn't believe it when the kids ran up to them. Had it really been an hour? It felt like just minutes since they'd sat down. "Park, Dana! Park!" Tim had hold of her leg. "Guess where I promised we'd go after story time." Fox smiled at the kids jumping around them now. "Could you use any help?" "I'd love some, if you're not busy." He rose and only hesitated a moment when Kim raised her arms to be lifted by him. They piled the kids in the stroller, got Jenny on her bike with the training wheels and headed for the park. For the first time since she'd arrived, Dana hated to take the kids home for their nap, but it was obvious they needed one. They had played their hardest and were already drooping and hadn't even had lunch. ***** It had become almost habit for Fox to show up wherever she and the kids were playing each morning, the pool, the library, or the park. The kids had become used to his presence and enjoyed playing with him and of course Dana was more than thrilled that this man was interested in her. She saw Fox wince as Tim climbed up on him. "Are you okay?" She sent the kids over to the sandbox to play. "Yeah, I'm fine." He wouldn't look her in the eye. "Fox, what happened? Did you hurt yourself?" He wasn't fine, and he was leaving his shirt on. He never did that when they were outside. "I fell." "Let me see." She reached for his t-shirt, and he caught her hand. She blushed as she realized what she was doing. She couldn't treat him like one of the kids and she certainly had no business trying to take his shirt off. He was watching her, following her thought processes exactly. He exhaled and tugged his shirt off. She gasped. He'd obviously been beaten. She couldn't stop herself from reaching out. He backed away. "It's okay, Dana." "Tell me what happened! Oh please, it wasn't those guys from the other night?" "No. Those guys are cowards, don't worry. . . " He saw her eyes and closed his own. He finally took a deep breath. "My Dad got a little too drunk last night." "Oh Fox." She reached out again. This time he didn't draw away. "Does this happen often?" "Not as often as it used to. I think he's afraid I can take him now." Still that hint of defeat in his voice, he didn't think he could. "Did you?" This was so far outside of her experience. Her father had never hit her, not even the boys. Their punishments were so trivial compared to this. "What's the point? I'll be leaving in a few weeks and we'll be out of each other's hair, probably forever. I'm just ready to go, I don't need an assault charge on my record." She wanted to say she was sorry, but he didn't want to hear that. "I'm really glad you came here today." "Me too." He slipped his t-shirt back on and rose. He held out his hand to help her to her feet. She didn't let go when she was up, holding his hand as they walked over to the kids. ***** "Dana, I have some questions for you." Cindy stood over her; the kids had left the table. Well now she'd find out why Cindy had been so pissed off all evening. "Is it true that you have been spending time with Fox Mulder?" Dana glanced over at Uncle Charlie. He was surprised too, but seemed more annoyed at Cindy than her. "Well, yes. I mean we've run into him at the pool and the library. He went with us to the park." She wasn't about to mention that first meeting. "The kids really enjoy playing with him, and he's real good. . . " "You've let the kids be around him?!" Her voice had risen at least an octave. "Charles!" "Now calm down, Cindy. The kids are fine; Dana's obviously been very good with them. "I don't want that boy around my children." Dana looked over at Charlie, her brow furrowed. What was Aunt Cindy so upset about? Charlie looked at her sympathetically. "Dana. . . " He began. "You will not have anything to do with that boy, Dana! I don't want him around you or the children. Do you hear me?" "But why!" Dana finally found her voice. "What do you think he's done?" "He murdered his sister! They never even found the body!" Dana gasped and turned to Charlie. It couldn't be true. That's why everyone had been staring at him at the pool. Oh god, and she'd put him in that position by helping her out. "Cindy! Get a grip. He was never charged, no one knows what happened to that little girl." "Everyone says. . . " "Everyone doesn't know. There was no evidence. . . " "His fingerprints were on his father's gun!" "Which hadn't been fired. Enough Cindy! Drop this." He caught sight of Dana's strained face. Cindy shoved back her chair and stalked from the room. "Uncle Charlie, please. Fox has never done anything. . . Did they investigate his father? I mean he beats Fox, maybe he. . . " "How did you hear about that?" He hadn't been aware there was actual physical abuse. It made him ache inside for this boy he had never given much thought to previously. "I saw what he did to Fox. And Fox didn't fight back, he just took it. He wouldn't hurt anyone." "Let me talk to your aunt. Don't make any changes yet. You're doing a great job with the kids. Cindy's just nervous." Dana was really getting tired of that excuse. After she had cleaned the kitchen, since Cindy had not returned, Dana went out to the backyard and sat at the picnic table. The moon was only a sliver tonight and the stars were out, but she really didn't see them. Why would anyone think such things about Fox? He was the most sensitive, intelligent man she had ever met. There was no way he could have done anything to harm his sister. These people hadn't seen him with the kids, hadn't seen him put himself in possible danger to protect her when he didn't even know her. She didn't hear him approach, but felt his presence as he stood watching her. "Dana are you okay?" She looked over and saw him, worried about her without even knowing why. She stood and they walked over to the sandbox, at the far end of the yard, near the fence. In the growing darkness they couldn't be seen. "I'm fine, I. . . Aunt Cindy found out I've been seeing you, and. . . " She watched Fox's expression go carefully passive. No hurt would show through that face. "Fox, talk to me. Please tell me what happened to your sister." He rose abruptly and she scrambled to her feet, her hand on his arm. "Please don't go. I want to help." "She's not going to let you spend any time with me, so it doesn't matter." "It matters to me. And I will see you. Uncle Charlie is working on her for me. Please Fox." He slumped back down on the grass. "I don't know what happened to my sister. I just don't know." "Tell me what you do know. Let me help." "No one can help. It's why I'm so anxious to leave this place. Go where no one knows me. No one thinks I killed. . . " "Fox." She took his hand, "I know you didn't hurt your sister." "How could you know, I don't even know." "You couldn't. You just couldn't. Talk to me." "She was my responsibility. I was in charge that night. Our parents were next door at the neighbors. The power went out and she screamed. I woke up in the hospital two weeks later." "Hospital? Were you hurt?" "I don't know. The doctors said whatever happened was so horrible I blocked it out. Nobody's going to change your aunt's mind about me. You shouldn't even be out here." "I wouldn't be for anyone else." He didn't have an answer for that; he couldn't even form a response. "How long ago was this?" "Six years." "And you can't remember anything?" "Sometimes, at night, I dream about it. There's something there, but it doesn't seem human and I see her floating, but I can't move. I wake up with my heart pounding, covered in sweat. I don't know if I still cry out. No one comes if I do." "I would." He'd been looking at the ground during his recitation, now he looked up at her startled. "I'd come, if you needed me." She had her hand on his arm. "I know you would." He whispered it. He was staring into her eyes; the intensity was almost frightening - would have been with anyone else. He made himself look away. "I better get home." He rose and pulled her up beside him. "Thank you, Dana. No one's listened to me for a long time." He leaned down and brushed a quick kiss across her lips. "Let me know if you want to see me." She nodded mutely. Her first kiss, and it had been perfect. Absolutely perfect. ***** Uncle Charlie had gone to bat for her and mowed down Aunt Cindy's objections to her seeing Fox. She had not taken it well, and treated Dana with even more distrust than she had before. This continued to puzzle Dana, why would a woman who felt that way about her want her watching her children? But Cindy took less and less time with the kids every day, declaring her nerves were on edge and she needed the quiet. Dana found herself actually relieved when Uncle Charlie took her aside and told her that Cindy would be "going away" for a few days to rest and get herself together. Euphemisms Dana recognized immediately for what they were - Aunt Cindy needed the rest cure again. Leaving, of course, Uncle Charlie and now her, to handle everything until her nerves were better. ***** She barely heard the doorbell over the crash of thunder. She hurried to the door. Who would be out in this? Had Uncle Charlie forgotten his key? "Fox! Get inside." She pulled him in and together they shoved the door closed. "What are you doing out in this weather?" "It's going to be a bad storm, and you said your uncle would be late tonight." "Yeah, he's gone to settle Aunt Cindy at the hospital. You didn't walk did you?" She looked out the window. "No, I parked a few houses down. You don't want the neighbors to know I'm here when your aunt and uncle are gone." He was right, but she hated it for him. She'd thought living on base was confining. Thunder crashed again and all three kids raced into the foyer, scared and crying. "It's okay, guys. Look who came to look after us." "Mudder!" Tim launched himself at him. Fox bent down and all three of them were in his arms. "Why don't we go into the den, it'll be more comfortable." Dana reached for Jenny's hand and the lights went out. The kids, amazingly, went silent. "Fox?" Oh god, what was this doing to him? He'd come to help her and now he was thrown into his own personal nightmare. She put her hand on his arm, more concerned for him than the kids. "Fox, take the twins.' She lifted Kim into his arms. She had to get him to focus on now, to move. "There are candles in the kitchen. Come on." He was stiff, but he was moving, the twins in his arms with their arms around his neck. Dana held tightly to Jenny, enlisting her aid, making her feel like one of the adults. It worked, Jenny calmed down and helped Dana locate the candles and matches. Then they all moved to the den. Fox was less drawn, moving more smoothly. "Hey, you guys want to sleep on the couch tonight?" "Yeah!" A chorus of delight rose, almost drowning out the sound of the storm outside. "I'll go get your blankets, you stay here with Fox." She looked over to see if he was okay with that. He nodded and joined the kids on the couch, allowing them to crowd around him. Dana took a candle and hurriedly gathered up blankets, pillows and favorite sleep animals. Scully joined the crowd on the couch and everyone scrunched down to listen to Dana tell Goldie Locks and the Three Bears one more time. The lightening hadn't slowed down, but the thunder seemed less fearsome now that they were settled together. Kim was already drifting off, draped across Fox's lap, with Jenny not far behind. Tim fought it for another ten minutes or so, then all three were snoring little baby snores. Fox lifted them into more comfortable positions, then pulled Dana to her feet. "Are you okay, Fox?" "Great hero I am. I come over to check on you and the kids, and you end up taking care of me." "Hardly. You were great with the kids, I'm so glad you were here. They calmed down right away and look how secure they felt. We all felt better with you here, especially me." He squeezed her hand and led her to the smaller sofa. "Won't your parents be worried about you out in this?" "They probably won't notice. Mom was in her valium daze and Dad was on his third scotch. It was probably better to get out." Dana said nothing, he didn't want sympathy, he was just stating facts. An especially loud crash of thunder sounded overhead and Dana moved a little closer to him. The kids murmured but didn't wake. He put his arm around her and it felt so natural. At his urging she began telling him about her family and the different places they had lived. He never got tired of that. He'd made a vow never to return to this place anyway. They both jumped at the next crash. "Oh Fox, did that hit the house?" "I don't think so, stay here with the kids. I'll be right back." "Be careful." She whispered after him. He was back in no time. "Two doors down, they lost that big tree in the front. I still think this is the best room to be in. We've got the kids right here where we can grab them if we need to. Just sit back down and talk to me." She cuddled in next to him and they continued to talk, until she felt him moving closer to her face. His lips brushed her hair and suddenly she couldn't think of anything to say. She trusted him and didn't want him to stop, but she didn't know what to say or do. "Dana?" She smiled at him and realized her arms had gone around his waist. When did she do that? "Can I kiss you?" She gave a little nod, almost imperceptible, and he kissed her lips gently, then a little more firmly when he realized she was responding. "Have you ever kissed anyone before?" She shook her head, still not trusting her voice. "You're a quick study." She blushed and looked down. His finger on her chin caused her to look into his eyes again. "I don't think I can stay here after you leave. I can't believe how close I feel to you, I haven't. . . I haven't had someone in my life that I care about for so long." He glanced over at the kids and she realized she could read his face as though it were an open book. He wanted this, a family of his own, a place he belonged with no questions, and her. He wanted her to be part of that. For the first time she felt anger at her youth. Was this what Missy kept railing about, being too young all the time? He stood suddenly and turned away from her. "Maybe I ought to be leaving, the storm's letting up a little." "I don't want you to go." Her knowledge of her own brothers came to mind and she blushed, but he had his back to her and couldn't see anyway. "I. . . I really do want you to stay." "Why don't you go over and be with the kids." She had risen from the sofa and stood just behind him. He startled when she put her hand on his arm. "It's okay Fox, I trust you." Now he was blushing, she smiled softly. "Just sit here with me. It's okay." He allowed her to lead him back to the sofa and they sat, not talking, just listening to the storm and being together. He realized shortly that she had fallen asleep against him. He waited until he was sure she was fully asleep, then picked her up and carried her to the larger couch with the kids. He then retreated back to his own seat and sat there watching her. What was he doing? She was only fifteen, but she seemed much older, older than him sometimes. ***** Charlie wiped his feet and tried the light switch as he entered the front door. Power was still out; it had been a hell of a storm. He glanced into the family room as he took off his coat and smiled. Dana was on the couch, almost completely covered by kids. They must have slept there; a movement on the other side of the room caught his eye. Fox Mulder, asleep in the chair. Charlie's eyes immediately returned to Dana, she was fully clothed except for her shoes, as was he. He relaxed again, Fox had stayed over because of the weather. Nothing had happened. Fox woke to see Charlie standing in the doorway. He sprang to his feet. "Sir, I was here because of the storm. The kids were scared and. . . " Dana was awake now and watching them, not moving. How had she gotten to the couch? Hadn't she been. . . oh. She didn't want the kids to wake up for this. "I know that Fox." He stepped toward the young man and put out his hand. "Thanks for looking after Dana and the kids." Fox couldn't quite hide the flinch, but held out his own hand and shook Charlie's. Dana's eyes misted over. He'd been expecting a fist, had been reconciled to it. She wanted to throw her arms around Uncle Charlie and thank him for understanding the situation. She would do that later, when Fox wasn't watching. Tim woke and seeing his Dad jumped up and ran over. "Mudder's here! He lookted after us." "Yes and he did a good job, didn't he." Tim nodded enthusiastically. Charlie turned to Fox, "What did he call you?" "His version of Mulder. I don't really like Fox, so I was teaching him to call me just Mulder." Charlie nodded, and put Tim back down. "Why don't you wake up your sisters and we'll all go get some donuts. With the power out that's about the best we can do. Okay?" "I better be getting home." Fox moved toward the door. "I was including you in the donuts. Just a thank you." Fox's mouth opened slightly and Dana had to turn away from the surprise in his eyes. Otherwise she would have cried. Uncle Charlie was being so great, just like Mom. To cover the moment, Charlie walked over to Dana. "Sorry I couldn't get home last night. The roads were impassable and the phones are out. Was everything okay?" "Yes. Everything was fine. Fox was here when the lights went out, so the kids weren't scared. They were asleep when the tree fell, so they missed that." "It was some storm. I hope Cindy doesn't hear about it, since I can't call and reassure her." He seemed to lose some height, just talking about her. "Well, let's get a move on." Dana shooed the kids upstairs and Charlie turned to Fox. "I'll deny I ever said this, but I hope you find someone just like Dana when you're old enough." Fox's eyes widened, how did he know? Was he that transparent? Charlie only smiled, patted him on the shoulder and went to change. Fox sunk back down on the sofa. Someone just like Dana. No, Dana herself. He was crazy; she was fifteen years old and hadn't even dated yet. That sent a tightening through his stomach. He would be out of the country and Dana would be growing up, meeting guys, dating, falling in love. He shook his head. Penpals, oh god. Would she even write to him, maybe at first, but then she'd meet someone. He had his head down, contemplating the worst and didn't hear her come back. "Fox?" She put her hand on his head, smoothing down his hair. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." "No you're not. Did Uncle Charlie say anything. . . ?" "Your Uncle's great. No." He looked up at her standing so close to him and stood to be even closer to her, "I was just thinking about when I'm in England and you're here in the States." "Fox, you will write to me, won't you? Tell me everything you're doing and who you're meeting. Even the beautiful women." That startled him, she was worried about women he might meet? That finally caused a small smile on his face. "Are you going to tell me about all the guys you're dating?" "If it ever happens, I guess. If they don't see Melissa first when they come over." "If you're really worried about that, you're crazy." His eyes weren't smiling, he was totally serious. She could hear her Charlie coming down the steps, so she hurriedly brushed a kiss across his lips. "Thanks." She dropped back down flatfooted and went to find the kids. His fingers went to his lips, as though to hold the kiss closer to him. Her last few days flew by. Fox spent all of his time at the house with her and the kids. Cindy's mother would be coming in for a few days to watch the kids until school started, and Dana wanted to make sure the house was perfect so that neither Cindy nor her mother could find fault with how she was running the place. She would find Fox standing off to the side, watching her and smiling, occasionally saluting before heading for his assigned task. Uncle Charlie had made sure that the neighbors had seen Fox there, eating with the family and playing in the backyard with the kids. He even invited a few friends over for a barbecue as a going away party for Dana and made sure they knew Fox Mulder was a friend of his. Fox was totally overwhelmed at this and Dana had to keep an eye on him to make sure he mingled and enjoyed himself. She turned to get Tim another handful of carrots when she saw her. "Mom!" Dana ran across the lawn toward a woman that was obviously a female version of Charles, and quite a bit more attractive. "What are you doing here?" They were hugging each other like, well, like they hadn't seen each other all summer. What would it be like to have a mother like that? Dana was pulling her across the yard toward him. What should he say to her? These other people didn't matter, but Mrs. Scully. . . "So you're Fox Mulder. I'm so pleased to finally meet you. Dana has told me so many good things about you." Fox was struck dumb. She'd told her mother about him? No one had ever. . . god, where was his voice? "Mrs., uh Mrs. Scully." She was smiling at him, then she brushed a kiss across his cheek. "We'll talk later." And was gone to find her brother and check on her nieces and nephew. "You okay?" Dana took his hand. "Smooth, aren't I? I didn't know she was coming." "I didn't either. It's so good to see her. I guess she came to get me, so I won't have to ride home alone on the bus." He stiffened, "You won't be leaving earlier, will you?" "No, someone has to be with the kids. I'm sure she's talked all this out with Uncle Charlie. Don't worry, Fox. I won't leave until they drag me off." "Dessert everyone, come on over!" Charlie called across the yard. Everyone headed back to the patio, where he let Jenny carry out a cake, decorated with the words, "Thanks Dana!" "Oh it's beautiful guys! But I should be thanking you. It was my best summer ever." She turned and caught Fox's eye. Her mother watched the communication, though unspoken, between them. So it was like that. Dana was so young. Well they couldn't be together right now anyway. If it were as real as it looked, they'd find each other again. She'd only been a year older than Dana was now when she met Bill, and that was the best thing that had ever happened to her. "We have another dessert, before we cut into this one." Mrs. Scully called out, helping the twins carry out the second cake, which said, "Congratulations Fox - Look Out Oxford!" Fox thought his knees were going to give out on him. No one had ever done anything like this for him. He hadn't even had a birthday cake since. . . then Dana had her arms around him, hugging him. "Its okay, Fox. We just wanted to show you how special you are." She whispered in his ear, knowing she was half supporting him. "Go with me, Dana." He whispered back, knowing it was an impossibility, but needing her to know how he felt. "I want to, Fox. But I will be here when you get back. Come on, cut your cake. These people want to congratulate you." He reluctantly stepped back from her and allowed the other people at the party to approach them. He tried to quell the thought that these people had known him forever and never treated him like this before. They never would have if not for Dana. She was everything to him. Exactly how long would it take him to get his degree and come home to her? She'd be 18 in three years, would she be old enough then? Would they be old enough to be together forever then? She should go to school, but he'd manage that. Slow down Fox, her mother's watching you. Don't let her get the wrong idea. He wasn't after Dana like that. He just wanted to be with her, forever. He stayed late to help clean up and somehow found himself alone in the kitchen with Mrs. Scully while Dana put the kids to bed. He didn't even feel manipulated. She was as easy to talk with as Dana. He found himself talking to her, really talking. He even answered questions about his parents. If she still thought Dana was too young when he got back, maybe she'd adopt him. He had to smile at that thought. Mrs. Scully watched him. That was the first time she'd seen the sadness leave his eyes when Dana wasn't in the room. She liked this boy instinctively. It wasn't just her trust of Dana's judgment, though that helped. They both turned as Dana entered the kitchen. She was looking at them, trying to decide if Fox was okay. "Don't worry, Dana. I didn't dissect him. See? Whole and intact." Dana blushed. Okay, she was a little overprotective of him, she admitted it. Fox watched the by-play with amusement. They really enjoyed each other. They were friends. That was so wild. The only negative thing about Mrs. Scully was that she had come to take her away. A cloud settled over him at the thought. "Well, I guess I better be getting home." It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he had to leave sometime. Even sleeping on the couch wouldn't be appreciated now. Besides he needed to begin his own packing, he'd spent so much time here getting everything ready for the kid's grandmother, he'd let his own stuff slide. He was leaving and it would be okay, she was too. Mrs. Scully said nothing as Dana walked him to the car and was gone for several minutes. She trusted her girls and now she knew she could trust Fox as well. Not that she minded that he would be out of the country for a few years, but. . . ***** "You brought her back? Aw, Mom, we thought we were rid of her for good." Bill, Jr. punched her arm, but Charlie tossed his arm over her other shoulder and swung her out of their older brother's way. "When you get taller than me?" Dana looked up at her "little" brother. "This is getting ridiculous!" Her father waded through the assorted family and took Dana into a bear hug. "You were gone too long Starbuck. Nobody gets you next summer, understand?" "Aye aye, Ahab." "Was it too much for you?" "No. It wasn't too much." Her father saw her eyes mist over and glanced at his wife. She shook her head and he knew she'd bring him up to date later. "Hey, Dana. You got a letter today from Massachusetts. Have you got a boyfriend?" Melissa dangled the letter just out of reach. Dana lunged for her and grabbed the letter. No return address, just the initials FWM in the corner. Without a word to anyone she left the kitchen and headed for her room. Mrs. Scully's look forbade anyone to follow her. She fell on her bed and opened the letter with trembling hands. "Dana, You haven't even left yet and I already miss you so much I can't stand it. You've become part of me and the thought of not being able to see you and only being able to talk through letters is truly painful to me. "Until you, I had written off the entire human race. I couldn't tell you this to your face, but that night in the park you only think I saved you. What you don't know is that you saved me. I'd gone there to kill myself that night. My father's gun was in my pocket the whole time - the one everyone thought I used on Samantha. I had decided that Oxford would be no better than here, and that my past would follow me there. I admit I had some help reaching that conclusion. My father was drinking that night too. "But you were there and you needed me. There's no one else in the whole town that would have needed me. You were meant to be there that night, to save me. After talking with you, walking you to your uncle's house, it just wasn't as dark as it had been. When I got home, Dad had passed out, so there was no more abuse from him and I was able to slip the gun back into its hiding place without anyone ever knowing. "No one did until this minute. In some cultures you would own part of me. You should know that you do, and anything I accomplish from now on is yours. I just hope that when I finally get back to you, you'll still want it and me. "I moved my reservations up, I can't stay here without you. I'll be leaving the day after you do, so I'll probably be in England when you get this letter. I'll send you my address as soon as I get in a dorm. Going early I may mess up their plans, but I don't really care. "Think about me Dana, like I'm thinking about you right now. I'll pester your uncle until he gets the film developed from your party and have that with me always. Please tell me everything you're doing, what's happening with your family, everything. I'll pretend that they're my family too and people at school won't think I'm so very odd to not have anyone who cares about me back home. "If I don't stop now, I might never stop. I love you, Dana, and I miss you." Fox She didn't hear her mother tap on her door a little while later, so she wasn't aware of her presence at first. Then she was in her mother's arms, being comforted as he never had been. That made her cry all the harder while Mrs. Scully rocked her and murmured to her comforting words that could provide no comfort. Only time could bring them together again, if it was meant to be.